While "firsts" have been pretty commonplace around here since Hadley was born, this week has been full of milestone "firsts" for all the Todds.
- This blog. While I have been a blog stalker for quite some time, this is the first time I've had the courage to jump in and give it a try. I hope that it will be a great way to stay in touch with our family and friends all over the country {and world}.
- G.I. Joe participated in the American Triple-T in White Lake, NC, swimming, biking, and running over 140 miles in three days. I am so proud of him for his determination! {Did I mention that he just learned how to swim in January?} Unfortunately, it is also the first time I was not anywhere near the finish line as he completed his events.
These days, her backside is all I see as she gets her happy self into everything. |
- The Bean started crawling. Look out world! I have known it was coming for a long time, as she has been getting up on all fours and rocking back and fourth for a few weeks but I was being lazy about baby-proofing the house. Her crawling to a magazine and destroying it in two seconds flat was all the motivation I needed.
- The boys went fishing together. G.I. Joe has been talking about taking Maddox fishing since he was born and this week was the first time they were able to go. Maddox had a day off of school and G.I. Joe got to spend the day with him. I wish the fish would have showed up for event though. Nothing bit. The resident photographer {me} was working, thus this milestone was undocumented. Bummer!
- Hadley drank from a cup for the first time. Well, I should probably say she TRIED to drink from a cup for the first time. I'm pretty sure she didn't actually drink anything. But I did get a cute picture of her efforts!
My newest baby. I'm pretty sure it weighs less than Hadley did when she was born. |
- I became the proud parent of a new MacBook. I always said I would never own a Mac and now here I am, loving it. What was the first thing Maddox and I did when we opened the box?
Explore Photo Booth! What a fabulous time-waster. And a great way to entertain a certain five-year-old.
I hope everyone has a great upcoming week! Mine will be filled with continuous baby-proofing and parent-teacher conferences.