Thursday, July 28, 2011

Rainbow Cupcakes

I have the world's biggest sweet tooth.  I am a big sucker for anything sugary and fattening... cupcakes, pastries, cakes, candy... I love it all.

A few days ago, I decided to make some rainbow cupcakes that I had seen on a few blogs last summer.  It was a baking project that combined my two favorite things... sugar and cuteness.

I enlisted some help from Betty and my favorite kitchen assistant.

After mixing the cake mix, I divided the batter into 6 bowls and colored it with food coloring gel.  Then I put a little batter of each color into the cupcake liners and popped them in the oven.

While the cupcakes were cooling, I mixed up the frosting using my other kitchen assistant.  I sure love that mixer.

 The frosting tester made sure it tasted good.  He gave it two thumbs up.

We {by "we" I mean G.I. Joe and I} tried to be fancy and use this decorating tool to frost the cupcakes.  It quickly became clear that we need a little work in the cupcake decorating department.

 However, after seeing this smile, I think the cupcakes turned out A-ok!

Who wants a cupcake?

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